Easily classify and analyze
Nyckel's text classification API makes it simple to auto-label and mine text in just minutes.
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"With Nyckel, building ML models takes just minutes, which lets me quickly iterate and build exactly what I want."
— Gardyn, AI Lead Technologist

Build custom classifiers for analyzing text, using your rules and data
Here's a text sentiment classifier Nyckel built in 10 minutes. Input some text and watch it predict sentiment.
Or hook into a pretrained text classifier
Analyze your text without needing to bring your own training samples.

Text Sentiment - Is your text positive, negative, or neutral? Good for surveys, reviews, and more.
See it in action →

Offensive Language - Is the content offensive or not? Ideal for textual content moderation.
See it in action →

Job Seniority Matching - Matches job titles to their seniority level. Connect this to your CRM for lead analysis.
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