Identify road quality using AI

Below is a free classifier to identify road quality. Just upload your image, and our AI will predict what it is - in just seconds.

road quality identifier

How this classifier works

To start, upload your image. Our AI tool will then predict what it is.

This pretrained image model uses the Road Quality dataset and is built with 12500 samples across 7 labels, including Asphalt (Good Condition), Paved (Bad Condition), and 5 more.

We'll also show a confidence score (the higher the number, the more confident the AI model is of what it is).

Whether you’re a tech-minded construction worker, just curious, or building road quality detection into your application, we hope our classifier proves helpful.

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Need to identify road quality at scale?

Get API or Zapier access to this classifier for free. It's perfect for:

  • Transportation Departments: Assess road conditions across city and highway networks. It prioritizes areas for maintenance and repair.

  • Navigation Apps: Provide route options based on road surface quality. It improves driver experience by suggesting smoother paths.

  • Autonomous Vehicle Systems: Adjust driving parameters based on detected road conditions. It fine-tunes vehicle handling for safety and comfort.

  • Insurance Companies: Assess risk factors for claims related to road quality. It informs policy pricing and coverage decisions.

  • Logistics Companies: Plan optimal routes for fragile cargo transportation. It minimizes potential damage from poor road surfaces.

  • Ride-Sharing Services: Rate and categorize routes based on passenger comfort. It improves user satisfaction by considering road quality.

  • Urban Planning Departments: Monitor infrastructure quality in different neighborhoods. It informs equitable resource allocation for road improvements.

Want this classifier for your business?

In just minutes you can automate a manual process or validate your proof-of-concept.

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