Identify X-rays with Covid using AI

Below is a free classifier to identify X-rays with Covid. Just upload your image, and our AI will predict if the X-ray contains Covid or not - in just seconds.

X-rays with Covid identifier

For informational purposes only. Nyckel is not offering official medical advice. Please always seek our professional assistance before making any healthcare decisions.

How this classifier works

To start, upload your image. Our AI tool will then predict if the X-ray contains Covid or not.

This pretrained image model uses the Covid Dataset dataset and is built with 15000 samples across 3 labels, including Covid, Normal, or Pneumonia.

We'll also show a confidence score (the higher the number, the more confident the AI model is that the X-ray contains Covid or not).

Whether you’re a tech-minded doctor, just curious, or building X-rays with Covid detection into your application, we hope our classifier proves helpful.

Recommended Classifiers

Need to identify X-rays with Covid at scale?

Get API or Zapier access to this classifier for free. It's perfect for:

  • Hospitals: Screen incoming patients for potential COVID-19 cases. Prioritize treatment and isolation for high-risk individuals.

  • Radiology clinics: Analyze chest X-rays for signs of COVID-19 pneumonia. Support radiologists in managing high volumes of scans during outbreaks.

  • Telemedicine services: Provide preliminary assessments of patient-submitted chest X-rays. Guide patients on next steps based on the likelihood of COVID-19 presence.

  • Research institutions: Gather data on COVID-19 patterns in X-ray images. Contribute to ongoing studies on the disease's progression and variants.

  • Mobile health units: Quickly assess X-rays in remote or underserved areas. Decide whether patients need transfer to larger medical facilities.

  • Emergency medical services: Evaluate X-rays of patients before hospital admission. Prepare appropriate isolation protocols and treatment plans in advance.

  • Occupational health services: Screen employees returning to work after COVID-19 exposure. Clear individuals for duty or recommend further medical evaluation.

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