Identify correct english sentences using AI

Below is a free classifier to identify correct english sentences. Just input your text, and our AI will predict if it's acceptable grammar or not - in just seconds.

correct english sentences identifier

How this classifier works

To start, input the text that you'd like analyzed. Our AI tool will then predict if it's acceptable grammar or not.

This pretrained text model uses the C4 200M Grammar Error Dataset dataset and is built with 8500 samples across 2 labels, including Acceptable Grammar or Not.

We'll also show a confidence score (the higher the number, the more confident the AI model is that it's acceptable grammar or not).

Whether you’re a tech-minded teacher, just curious, or building correct english sentences detection into your application, we hope our classifier proves helpful.

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Need to identify correct english sentences at scale?

Get API or Zapier access to this classifier for free. It's perfect for:

  • Education technology: Evaluate student writing assignments. Provide instant feedback on sentence structure.

  • Content management: Screen user-generated content for grammatical errors. Maintain high-quality standards for online platforms.

  • Customer service: Check outgoing communications for correctness. Improve the professionalism of customer interactions.

  • Translation services: Verify translated sentences for accuracy. Ensure natural-sounding English output.

  • Automated proofreading: Scan documents for grammatical issues. Flag potential errors for human review.

  • Language learning apps: Assess user-generated sentences in real-time. Offer personalized grammar lessons based on mistakes.

  • Hiring processes: Screen job applications for language proficiency. Identify candidates with strong written communication skills.

Want this classifier for your business?

In just minutes you can automate a manual process or validate your proof-of-concept.

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