Use AI to moderate content

No more manual flagging. Build an AI model to moderate for you.

Start now
custom content moderation example
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Use AI to automatically moderate your images and text

No machine learning experience required

text classification example

Flag content using your rules and your labels

Rather than use imperfect static models, you can build your own custom moderation tool.

Moderate images and text

Rather than spend hours manually flagging, get a Nyckel classifier to do it in seconds.

content moderation nyckel example
nyckel api

Connect it to your workflow using our Content Moderation API

Ping us with the content, and we'll respond with the label and confidence level.

Takes just 5 minutes

No need to spend cycles figuring out complicated AI/ML tools. Spin up a classification AI model in just minutes. No ML expertise needed.

1. Upload sample data

Sign up for free and upload as few as 5-10 samples per label

upload icon

2. Let it train (5s-30s)

Trains within seconds. Get immediate visibility into its accuracy

train icon

3. Integrate

Hook into the model via our API, SDK, or Zapier integration

api icon